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Overgrown vegetation and aggressive weeds are more than just an eyesore to the public. Not only do they impose a threat to our ecosystems, but they can also lead to serious hazards in right-of-ways maintained including railways, roadsides, powerlines, pipelines, and parks. As a contracted professional, it’s vital to understand how to best control these issues and when to take preventive versus corrective actions. These control methods will vary from the time of year to what and where you’ve been hired to control vegetation.  

The number one control method, herbicide application, can be an effective method for removing unwanted vegetation in rights-of-ways. However, it is essential to schedule weed and brush control activities at the right time to ensure the best results and to avoid harming adjacent crops and native ecosystems. Below, we’ll discuss when you should schedule herbicide application, and the factors to consider before spraying.

Identify the types of weeds

When you get hired to execute a job, the first step before scheduling weed spraying is to identify the types of weeds/brush present in your right-of-way. Different types of weeds and brush have different life cycles, and they may require different control methods. For example, annual weeds are best controlled before they seed in the spring and typically require another application of herbicide come fall. 

Before stepping on-site with equipment in-hand and men on deck, be sure to research what vegetation is present and will need to be addressed.

Some of the most difficult vegetation to control includes woody plants, which are also perennials. Commonly known types of woody weeds include honeysuckle, poison ivy, and thistle. Timing of herbicide application, which will be addressed below, is extremely important for controlling these specific weeds effectively. 

Time of year

The time of year also influences the scheduling of weed spraying.  In general, the best time to spray weeds is in the spring or fall when temperatures are mild, and there is adequate moisture in the soil. However, specific types of weeds may require different timing. For example, broadleaf weeds like dandelions are best sprayed in the fall when they are preparing for winter dormancy. Whether you’ve signed a multi-year contract or have just been hired for a season, be sure to effectively communicate when you’ll need to start the job and a timeline for proper maintenance.

Pre-Emergent vs. Post-Emergent Spraying

Train your team on the two types of weed spraying – pre-emergent and post-emergent. Pre-emergent spraying is done before the weeds have emerged from the soil, while post-emergent spraying is done after the weeds have already grown. Pre-emergent spraying is ideal for preventing annual weeds from establishing, while post-emergent spraying is more effective on perennial weeds. However, when conducting post-emergent spraying, it’s important to spray matter while it’s in early growth stages and small for the best results.

Watch for Weather Conditions

While we can’t expect the weather to align with our needs and schedules, it’s important to give yourself a window when planning herbicide application or maintenance on a job site. . Ideal conditions for weed spraying include dry, sunny weather, with temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid spraying in windy conditions, as the herbicide may drift to nearby plants or areas, causing unintended damage. Weather conditions play a crucial role in determining the timing of weed spraying and should always be planned around as much as possible. 

Growth stage of weeds

The growth stage of weeds also plays a crucial role in determining when to spray them. Spraying annual weeds when they are in the early growth stages can prevent them from establishing and spreading. On the other hand, perennial weeds should be sprayed when they are actively growing and have reached a sufficient height, as this is when they are most susceptible to herbicides.


Outside of timing, selecting the correct equipment, including the type of sprayer nozzle utilized, is of equal importance. Nozzles will directly relate to the spray stream and pressure of herbicide being applied, which will affect how concentrated the coverage is. While standard nozzles exist and are utilized by right-of-way service providers, new technology such as the Dos Pisolos Double Barrelled Sprayer has recently been making an impact in the market. This nozzle replaces the standard rollover nozzle and is a more durable and ergonomic design for less strain on your hand all while reducing time spent changing between spray streams.   

The History of Dos Pistolos Double Barrel Sprayer

The Dos PISTOLOS Sprayer started with Kenny Crenshaw’s desire to replace the right-of-way herbicide application standard tool, the “Rollover Nozzle”, with a simpler and more effective sprayer. With Kenny’s 40 years of application experience in all types of commercial, residential, and industrial settings, he went to work developing the Dos PISTOLOS Double-Barreled Sprayer. Through 4 years of experimenting, prototyping, and field testing he created the only two outlets, and two triggered sprayers on the market. He knew that the sprayer would have to be simple, rugged, lightweight, and versatile. 

As you navigate the complex task of timing in your quest to conquer weeds, remember that precision and effectiveness are the keys to success. By identifying the types of weeds, considering weather conditions, growth stages, the time of year and equipment, you can optimize your weed spraying efforts and become a leader in your market. 

 For the ultimate weapon in your arsenal, dosPistolos Double Barreled Sprayer awaits. Its unparalleled effectiveness and eco-friendly formulation make it the perfect companion for your right-of-way weed removal endeavors. Equip yourself with the Double Barreled Sprayer, and unleash its power to transform even the most challenging weed-infested landscapes into thriving havens of beauty. Embrace the art of timing and seize control over your outdoor domain with dosPistolos by your side.


Weeding Out the Problems: Importance of Woody Brush Control in Rights-of-Ways

While trees are a common and appealing aspect to a beautifully landscaped lawn or a public park, the general public rarely considers the negative impacts they can have. For example, it is essential to maintain power line clearances in rights-of-ways to prevent outages, fires, and to make a safe place for workers to maintain the lines. And sometimes, if the trees are an invasive species, they need to be removed to protect the natural ecosystem.

Industry Standard vs dos PISTOLOS

Before the production of our dos PISTOLOS sprayer, the industry standard for right-of-way herbicide application was the standard “roll-over” sprayer. We started with an idea to replace this product and craft a simpler, more effective sprayer. Kenny Crewnshaw began to apply his 40 years of application experience to develop the dos PISTOLOS double-barreled sprayer, which is the only two triggered, two outlet sprayer on the market.

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