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Weeds, much like cultivated plants, undergo distinct growth stages in their lifecycle. Identifying and targeting these specific growth stages can significantly impact the success of herbicide application. Here’s a closer look at the growth stages of weeds and their relevance in herbicide treatment:

1. Germination and Emergence

The life cycle of a weed often begins with seed germination. This initial stage is when the seed absorbs water, swells, and eventually sprout a root and shoot system. At this stage, weeds are highly vulnerable to herbicides, and targeting them early can prevent further growth and reproduction. Pre-emergent herbicides are designed to target seeds or seedlings before they emerge from the soil, making these products extremely effective against weeds at this initial phase.

2. Seedling Stage

Once emerged, weeds enter the seedling stage, characterized by delicate and tender growth. At this point, they are actively growing, and this characteristic makes them more susceptible to certain herbicides. Post-emergent herbicides are often used during this phase, and with the use of selective herbicides, you can target young weeds without harming nearby crops or vegetation.

3. Vegetative Growth Stage

As weeds mature, they enter the vegetative growth stage, characterized by the development of leaves, stems, and roots. During this phase, weeds can rapidly spread and compete with desirable plants for nutrients and resources. Some herbicides are most effective when absorbed through foliage, making this growth stage a prime target for application.

4. Reproductive Stage

Weeds enter the reproductive stage when they begin to produce flowers and seeds. If left unchecked, weeds in this stage can disperse seeds, leading to further infestation. Timing herbicide application before or during this stage can prevent seed production, significantly reducing the weed population in subsequent seasons. Certain systemic herbicides get much better control at this growth stage as the plant is taking down nutrients to the roots, which carries the herbicide throughout the plant.

5. Senescence and Dormancy

Towards the end of their lifecycle, weeds may enter senescence, where their growth slows down, and they start to deteriorate. Targeting weeds at this stage might not yield as effective results since their metabolic activity decreases. However, understanding when weeds enter dormancy can help plan future herbicide applications for optimal control in the following seasons.

Considerations for Effective Control

Timing herbicide application to coincide with the growth stage of target weeds maximizes the herbicide’s efficacy while minimizing its impact on the surrounding environment. It is important to understand what stage will work most effectively for your herbicide application and plan upon it

By recognizing the growth stages of target weeds and aligning herbicide application accordingly, farmers, gardeners, and land managers can optimize their efforts in controlling weed infestations effectively and efficiently.


The Power of Timing: When to Spray for Weed and brush control 

Overgrown vegetation and aggressive weeds are more than just an eyesore to the public. Not only do they impose a threat to our ecosystems, but they can also lead to serious hazards in right-of-ways maintained including railways, roadsides, powerlines, pipelines, and parks. As a contracted professional, it’s vital to understand how to best control these issues and when to take preventive versus corrective actions. These control methods will vary from the time of year to what and where you’ve been hired to control vegetation.

Weeding Out the Problems: Importance of Woody Brush Control in Rights-of-Ways

While trees are a common and appealing aspect to a beautifully landscaped lawn or a public park, the general public rarely considers the negative impacts they can have. For example, it is essential to maintain power line clearances in rights-of-ways to prevent outages, fires, and to make a safe place for workers to maintain the lines. And sometimes, if the trees are an invasive species, they need to be removed to protect the natural ecosystem.

Industry Standard vs dos PISTOLOS

Before the production of our dos PISTOLOS sprayer, the industry standard for right-of-way herbicide application was the standard “roll-over” sprayer. We started with an idea to replace this product and craft a simpler, more effective sprayer. Kenny Crewnshaw began to apply his 40 years of application experience to develop the dos PISTOLOS double-barreled sprayer, which is the only two triggered, two outlet sprayer on the market.

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